What You Should Know before Starting a Weight Management Plan

Basketball Park Weight Management

There are many different reasons for beginning a weight management plan. Perhaps you’ve recently made the decision to take charge of your weight, or you’re striving to improve your overall physical and mental health. No matter your motivation, you’ve made one very important decision that you should be proud of!

However, there are several factors that can affect your efforts to manage your weight throughout this journey- including diet, exercise and general lifestyle. To help you lay the foundation for progress and success, we’ve compiled a few key tips and tools to help you stay safe, motivated and on track.

Beginning a Weight Management Plan? Consider this

  • Consult Your Doctor – Your doctor can help you set healthy guidelines, assist you in managing any physical barriers and assess your health along the way.
  • Create SMART Goals – These are goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. To learn more about SMART goals, please CLICK HERE.
  • Seek Accountability – Support and encouragement from loved ones, or others who are on the same journey, can give you that extra “push” to help you reach and maintain your goals.
  • Know Your Body’s Signals – This means paying close attention to what your body is telling you! Be mindful of your emotions, appetite, thirst, energy and other important signals.
  • Plan it Out – Failing to plan is planning to fail. Consider creating a detailed plan for your weekly meals and snacks, exercise routine and time set aside just for you.
  • Work Alongside Your Personality – Tailor your weight management plan to suit what you enjoy! For example, if you’re not very much of a gym person, your workout routine might include plenty of outdoor activities and exercise.
  • Find What Motivates You – Maybe you’re motivated by a loved one’s concern, or you look forward to doing new and exciting things with your body as your health progresses. Your motivation can even be as simple as an old picture or an empowering music playlist.
  • Factor in the “Small Things” – This includes your daily schedule, any physical or mental health concerns that may affect your weight, finances and long-standing habits that might need breaking.

Finally, always remember the bigger picture. The journey with weight and health is filled with bumps, hurdles, triumphs and challenges, but the most important thing to keep in mind is that you’re working to improve your health each and every day!

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