How to Schedule Success: Tips for Staying Organized and Motivated

As fall rolls around and kids transition to a new school year, now is a great time to look into schedules, organization, and ways to plan for success. Without a schedule and plan, it’s easy to fall behind or miss something important.

Scheduling Tips

  • Take a planning moment: Taking a quick moment to determine what is on your to-do list list can be extremely helpful. List what you need to do for the day and for the week. Add the big things, the small things, and even the things that seem like they can’t get done. Seeing it all in one place is a good start.
  • Prioritize: After you have a list of what needs to get done, it’s time to see what is really important and what can wait. Some things may be more of a priority than others. Make sure you get your “must do” items on the schedule immediately to reduce your stress. Important work meetings, your child’s soccer game, and medical appointments can all be added at the beginning of your planning process to ensure they get done.
  • Try to delegate: You don’t have to do it all—really! What on your list can be given to others? Can someone else mow the lawn, drop the kids off at their event, or send invites to the next important work meeting? It doesn’t always have to be you. Delegating activities is a big time-saver!
  • Smaller tasks: Sometimes, taking a few minutes to knock out small tasks can give you a sense of accomplishment and take a load off your list. Block an hour in your schedule to cross off a few items on your list.
  • Your health is a priority: In the midst of everything, schedule time for your health. This is what many people tend to let slide. Block time in your schedule to grocery shop, food prep, exercise, and attend medical appointments. When you take care of you, you are able to take care of others around you so much easier. Your health and wellness is a top priority.
  • Say NO: You can’t do it all and that’s okay! Say no when you need to. Sometimes you aren’t able to take on an extra work project, drive your kids to a movie, organize a school fundraiser, or attend that social event. Saying no keeps your sense of balance and reduces stress. It’s important to know your limits and what your body can handle.
  • Schedule YOU time: So much time is spent working, shopping, driving, cooking, and cleaning. To avoid burnout, schedule a little time for yourself to rest and recharge by doing something that makes you happy. This can be reading, spending time with a friend, painting, gardening, or whatever fills your cup. Invest in you!

Schedules and plans are an important part of setting yourself up for success, especially with the busy upcoming school year ahead. Grab a calendar and a pen and start planning!

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