5 Lifestyle Tips for Having a Healthy Fall Season

So long, summer. Hello, fall!

As the bright greens of summer give way to the rich tones of fall, it’s time to trade in the flip flops for sweater weather and apple picking. Think of the new season as a chance to hit the reset button and focus on building healthier habits that support your goals and set you up for success.

Here are 5 lifestyle tips for having a healthy fall season.

Take a Break from Screens

Spending too much time on cellphones, computers and T. V’s can make you sedentary and contribute to weight gain, anxiety, trouble sleeping and other adverse health effects. Each day, take at least 30 minutes of your normal screen time to go outside or try a different engaging activity. You will feel a difference immediately!

Scare off Your Sugar Cravings

From Halloween candy to aromatic baked goods, fall is filled with new foods and flavors. Instead of denying yourself sugar altogether, moderate your intake. Allow yourself some classic treats now and then, but also find new ways to enjoy the tastes of fall. For example, if you have a sweet tooth but don’t want to indulge on candy, cakes or cookies, try a different fall-themed food such as sautéed apples in a cast iron skillet topped with honey, cinnamon and cloves.

Consume In-Season Produce

Hit the farmer’s market to enjoy some in-season, healthy fruits and vegetables.

In-season fruits: apples, cranberries, pears, figs, persimmons, kumquats, passion fruit, guava, pomegranates.

In-season vegetables: Brussels sprouts, squash, kale, cabbage, eggplant, beets, sweet potatoes, broccoli, celery.

Get Outside

Fall weather is unlike any other and the great outdoors offers a lot of fun fall outdoor activities to keep you busy while engaging your senses. From hiking and biking to visiting a corn maze, raking leaves and playing in the yard with your kids, outdoor activities provide a great boost of endorphins and keep you physically and mentally active.

Slow Down for Self-care

Fall is a busy time of year between long school days, fall events, football games and the everyday hustle and bustle. Still, a priority should always be to take the time for yourself that you need. That includes stress management, getting enough quality sleep, staying active and eating nutritious foods.

Want more tips for staying healthy this fall? Check-out these blog posts:

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