Hate to Work Out? You Can Make Exercise Work for You

Aerobic exercise offers unique benefits!

Exercise is a dirty word in many people’s vocabulary. For some, it brings feelings of discomfort associated with going to the gym and working out in public. For others, the word is associated with fear, shame or frustration.

Exercise: Shifting Our Perception

There’s no getting around the fact that exercise is a part of any healthy lifestyle. We need movement to keep our bodies strong, fit and able to work for us. The problem is that many myths and misconceptions surround the meaning of “physically active.”

For starters, not all exercise involves a gym membership or fancy workout equipment. It’s simply about moving your body to stay physically active and achieve important health benefits:

  • Weigh-loss or weight maintenance
  • Reduced stress, depression and anxiety
  • Improve brain function such as memory
  • Stronger bones and muscles
  • Reduced risk for many diseases
  • Increased energy and stamina
  • More relaxation and better sleep quality

With that said, it may help to start every workout by thinking about what you’ll gain from exercise. It shouldn’t be a chore or something you dread ahead of time. Instead, think about what you’ll be gaining beyond a specific number on a scale. Think of how much better you’ll feel both physically and mentally, and look forward to the health and longevity you’ll be promoting!

Strategies for Making Exercise Work for You

You don’t have to be an athlete or accomplish every workout with 100 percent success, but you can achieve success with exercise in a number of different ways that work for you:

Play on Your Personality

Do something you actually enjoy. If you hate being cooped up inside while you exercise, go on a hike or try swimming at the beach. Are you more into opportunities that give you a chance to challenge others? Try team sports to stay active.

Bump up the Music

Music is an incredible form of motivation. If you’re feeling a lack of energy, fill-up your playlist with upbeat, energetic songs to keep you empowered and fighting for the finish line. Update your playlist regularly so you don’t get bored!

Work out with Loved Ones

Exercising in the company of others is not only fun, but motivating. The next time you’re looking to get active, try asking a close friend or family member to work out alongside of you. You’ll have a blast while squeezing in fitness!

Split up Your Time

Working out for an hour or more all at once can be fatiguing, and it takes up a lot of time. Instead, try breaking up your exercise routine so that you do a little here, a little there. This may help keep you motivated and energized.

Mix it up

Always aim to add variety to your workout routine so you can keep things fresh and exciting. If you go walking every night for half an hour to 45 minutes, try a hike one weekend in your favorite outdoor spot. Are you tired of the treadmill? Find alternative ways to squeeze-in cardio exercise that don’t involve a stationary machine. Don’t be afraid to get creative!


When exercise feels like a chore, no one wants to do it. The key is to change your mental perception and make real, lasting changes to your workout routine that will give you the best chance of success.

Most importantly, recognize that you are your own unique individual. Every body is different, and that means everybody’s exercise strategy has the privilege of being different as well. What works for you may not work for someone else, and vice versa.

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