There are so many different reasons that people care about their health – maybe you find inspiration through being more active with your family, or in reaching for a new achievement that depends on your health. Perhaps what is motivating you to make health changes is to have more energy or feel better physically.
No matter what inspires you, we want you to capture and share it so you can help others find their inspiration!
This year’s Your Weight Matters National Convention, taking place August 25-28 in Washington, DC, features a theme of “Inspiring Health” for the attendees. With this empowering message, we want all of our Your Weight Matters Campaign Challengers to also experience this important message about your health. The “Show Your Inspiration” Photo Campaign invites any individual to take part to help motivate and inspire others through a single, powerful image. To view examples of photos that have been shared already, please click here!
Here’s How YOU Can Take Part and Help Inspire Others:
- Take a photo of whatever it is that inspires you to better health (or share a photo you may already have — just make sure you have the rights to that picture).
- Write a short caption (2-3 sentences) that explains why this image showcases your inspiration to better health.
- Share your photo on social media and be sure to tag it using the official Convention hashtag – #YWM2016.
- Send us your photo so we can share it on our special Pinterest Board that will be used to showcase our diverse inspirations and motivations to health! Send your photo and caption to convention@obesityaction.org, and be sure to include your first and last name, and whether or not you would like your name published along with your photo (you may choose to remain anonymous).
- That’s all you need to do to share a part of your story with others!
All photos sent to the OAC via convention@obesityaction.org will be showcased on our “Inspirations to Health” Pinterest Board, so that we can publicly share the real motivations of our Your Weight Matters Convention attendees, challengers and followers. As a bonus, your picture could even be featured onsite at YWM2016!
We are looking forward to seeing YOUR “Inspirations to Health” and sharing it to help inspire others as well!