Creating a Lifestyle of Self-care: Why it’s Important

Self-care, walk on beach

Self-care is a buzz word these days. For many, it conjures images of enjoying a nice massage, “splurging” on new clothes or taking a much-needed vacation.

While there is nothing wrong with giving yourself these nice things, they don’t always represent the total value of self-care. Self-care, at its most basic definition, is taking good care of the mind and body to promote overall health and well-being.

How Does Self-care Help with Weight Management?

Weight management is a part of the overall health equation. Taking steps to reach a healthy weight will help you achieve a higher quality of life – both mentally and physically.

On the other hand, it’s hard to reach a healthy weight without some fundamental tools in place. For example, we all know exercise and healthy eating are necessary for weight management. But, if you’re physically exhausted and mentally depleted, how will you get yourself to the grocery store or even to the gym for your next workout?

Self-care equips you with the tools you need to make a difference in your weight. Maybe it’s physical energy, effective time management or quality sleep. Maybe it’s motivation, stress reduction or time spent with loved ones. When you feel better, you tend to perform better too.

Types of Self-care

Self-care looks different for everybody. Whatever helps you relieve stress and heal your body is important to consider in your weight management journey. Here are just a few different ways you can practice self-care regularly:

  • Exercise for at least 30 minutes to an hour each day
  • Aim for quality sleep that makes you feel rested
  • Make time for a hobby you love
  • Reschedule commitments if you need that time for something else
  • Spend quality time with friends and family
  • Meet with your healthcare team on a regular basis
  • Find ways to relax – whether it’s through music, reading, etc.
  • Eat nutritiously without making certain foods “off limits”


The weight management journey is filled with ups and downs. To handle those downs, your mind and body should be well-stocked with time set aside for self-care. It will help you to invest not only in your present self, but in your entire future!

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