How to Regroup After Setbacks – Success is YOURS!

Regroup after Setbacks

Making long-lasting changes to your weight and health isn’t easy. In fact, the journey usually consists of a multitude of triumphs, challenges, difficulties and road blocks. Sometimes, they’re even sprinkled with “setbacks,” and that word can be difficult for some to swallow.

The negative connotations and feelings that follow the word “setback” are not constructive to your goals! To turn any circumstance around, a change in perception can go a long way. Let’s get started with re-examining the word.

Setbacks: What Are They?

According to the Webster Dictionary, a “setback” is considered to be a check in progress. That means that for a setback to occur, you would have already had to experience success! And, if you want that success to continue, it’s important to build upon each of your experiences (good and bad) and use them as strength to build a new foundation for the future.

Re-navigate Your Course

compass navigateFor a setback to occur, it usually means that we’ve temporarily shifted our goals and priorities to the back burner. When our priorities get re-arranged, we can lose focus and even motivation! To set yourself back on track, consider the following:

  • What event, fear or circumstance caused a bump in your journey?
  • When do you first recall its appearance?
  • What thoughts and feelings accompanied these changes and the resulting setback?

Now that you’ve addressed those thoughts,  you require some additional mindful thinking. It’s time to dispose of the negative, toxic thoughts that slow you down and make you feel like you can’t reach your goals — no matter how hard you try or how long you fight for success. Instead of letting those burdens weigh you down, fill yourself up with inspiration and encouragement! Tell yourself “I matter, I am important, and it’s time to make myself a priority.”

Get Yourself Back in the Game

success welcomeYou’ve always been in the game — you’ve just started paying more attention to the forces around you instead of the power that’s IN you! To refocus your energy and start mapping out your new goals, ask yourself the following:

  • Vision: Where do you want to be? What do you ultimately want to achieve?
  • Desire: Why do you want to reach your particular goals? What drives your aspirations?
  • Capacity: How can you increase your knowledge, build new skills and enhance your tenacity?

Now, instead of thinking of this new leg of your journey as a “change,” consider it an upgrade! You’re rebooting your system (physically and mentally) so that you can prepare for the next big thing.

Your setbacks are not a thing to be ashamed of — they’re an opportunity to examine your distribution of energy, redirect your attention and equip yourself with new tools!

Want More Motivation for Regrouping After Setbacks?

You van view the full article from Your Weight Matters Magazine by CLICKING HERE.

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