Have Yourself a Healthy, Happy Independence Day!

Independence Day Fireworks

For many, Independence Day is the true mark of summer. The sun is bright, the temperatures are warm, and friends and family are looking for an opportunity to commemorate the season. Factor in the joy and excitement that comes from celebrating the USA’s independence, and you’ve got the recipe for a perfect celebration!

But between the fireworks, BBQ’s, cookouts and 4th of July festivities, it can seem difficult to stay on top of your weight management goals. With all of the fun this holiday brings, how can you stay healthy?

Tips for a Healthy Independence Day

… because when you do good, you feel good!

Cook-up Some Unique and Tasty Foods

 Whether you’re hosting your own Independence Day festivities or attending someone else’s, make sure to include a variety of healthy options. You don’t have to keep it boring — there are a ton of healthy, holiday-themed recipes out there to boost your creativity! For some general summer recipes we think you’ll enjoy, please CLICK HERE

Carefully Watch Alcohol Intake

While there is nothing wrong with consuming alcohol, and on holidays especially, carefully observing your intake can go a long way. A watchful eye can help you avoid excess calories and poor judgement later on down the line.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

Between the extra sunshine and humidity, it’s easy to become dehydrated and sick. Rather than run the risk of dehydration, make you carry a bottle or glass of water with you at all times. Water can also help you curb your appetite and stay hydrated in the heat of summer.

Get Physical

There are a variety of ways to celebrate the holiday and stay active. Instead of crowding around the television or the food and drink table, why not take the festivities outside? Bike riding, outdoor games, fishing and swimming are a few excellent examples of how you can get moving.

Prioritize Quality Time with Others

There’s something about the company of loved ones that lifts your spirit and sets the mood for the upcoming week. If you’re feeling down, lonely, bored or even in a “rut,” socializing on this special holiday can be a great way to re-energize. You might be surprised by how healthful quality time with others can be!

The Your Weight Matters Campaign wishes you a fun, happy and HEALTHY Independence Day!

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