Find the RIGHT Healthcare Provider to Talk with about Your Weight and Health

Use the OAC's Obesity Healthcare Provider Locator to find a healthcare provider who can help you with weight management

Weight can be a sensitive topic, and talking about it can be intimidating. However, your weight is a very important part of your health. That is why you need a healthcare provider and care team you can trust to help you manage your journey with weight and health.

The Your Weight Matters Campaign recognizes that finding a healthcare provider who fits all of your check boxes and needs is not an easy task! However, the Obesity Action Coalition (OAC), producer of this campaign, offers a no-cost tool that can help you find the right provider and build a care team that you can feel confident in. Through its Obesity Care Provider Locator, you can find a healthcare provider that will help you understand:

  • How weight impacts your health
  • The benefits of weight management
  • The best options for your weight management journey

Ready to Find Your Healthcare Provider?

You’ve taken a very important step in your weight management journey: you’ve decided it’s time to talk about your weight and health with a healthcare provider and medical professional. Now what?

Find a Provider that Meets Your Needs

Visit: ObesityCareProviders.com and use the search bar on the home page to find a qualified healthcare provider knowledgeable about weight management near you. You have the ability to choose the specialty you are looking for and filter the results based on your zip code.

Prepare for Your Appointment

Use the resources from the Your Weight Matters Toolkit to prepare for your first appointment, get valuable tips on what to bring for your consultation, learn the questions that you should be asking, and get ready to answer some of the questions your healthcare provider might have.

Your Weight Matters for Your Health

As you search for a provider to assist you with your weight management journey, remember why you’re doing it. Your weight matters for your health, and making small improvements over time can drastically improve your quality of life. Even 5-10% weight-loss can produce significant health benefits such as lowered blood pressure, improvements to diabetes, lessened inflammation and much more. For more on why your weight matters, CLICK HERE.

Learn. Connect. Engage.

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