5 Tips for Improving Your Health during the Work Week

office work

Maintaining your health stretches far beyond your workout routine and what’s in your kitchen. For some, one of the biggest challenges to actively improving health is managing the work week – a time when busy schedules, limited movement and stress can often get in the way.

For many of us, a great deal of time is spent at our workplace – so it’s important to ensure that we use this time wisely when trying to improve our health.  But how exactly can we do that when we’re away from our home environment and healthy choices are harder to make?

Tackle the Work Week with these 5 Health Tips:

  • Keep Water by Your Side – Whether you’re working a desk job or a job that requires a lot of movement, it’s important to stay up-to-date on your water intake. Having a bottle or thermos by your side can act as a reminder to drink more.
  • Pack a Lunch/Snack Box – Eating out on lunch breaks can not only break the bank, but can also wreak havoc on your weight management goals if you’re not careful. Strategic meal planning and packing your lunch can save you money, cut calories and improve your nutrition habits. For tips on meal planning, CLICK HERE.
  • Make Time for Movement – If your job is more stationary, it’s even more important to ensure you’re moving throughout the day! You may choose to stretch, lift personal weights or even take a walk on your lunch break. All movement counts, so don’t forget to make it routine!
  • Keep Motivational Reminders – Whether it’s inspirational quotes on your computer, white board or notepad, or even phone alarms that remind you to stay determined and proactive, motivating yourself in small ways can truly help you succeed on your weight management journey.
  • Manage Stress – The workplace can be a big stressor, but it’s essential to manage your stress if you want to manage your weight. Try incorporating small moments into your day where you can meditate, take a break and bring yourself back to a healthy mental place.

Don’t let the work week get in the way of your health plan — there are plenty of ways to ensure you’re staying active, healthy and mentally well during one of the busiest parts of your schedule!

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