Understanding Calories and Weight Control

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Understandably, the word “calories” is a scary term for many. When it comes to weight management, we’re often taught that calories are a bad thing. Too many leads to weight gain, and extra weight is difficult to get off. In addition, our external world is a heavy food environment in which calories run rampant. Who wouldn’t be a little turned-off by the term?

What Are Calories?

It would do us some good to return to the root meaning of the word. Simply stated, a calorie is defined as a unit of energy that comes from the food you eat. The calories you see listed on nutrition facts labels are presented in units of food calories, or kcals. This number indicates the amount of energy your cells are able to extract from processing nutrients in your food.

How Do Calories Affect My Weight?

Our weight is determined by a very simple “energy in, energy out” equation. However, it’s important to note that weight-loss and weight gain are a lot more complex than this, as many other factors are at play.

When you consume more calories than your body needs, and don’t balance the extra energy with physical activity, you gain weight. When you consume less than your body needs, or burn off all that extra energy, you lose weight. This is how calorie consumption affects your weight, and why each individual should decipher the amount needed to sustain their own body and lifestyle. Everyone is different, and that’s okay!

How Do I Find My Healthy Balance?

Since calorie consumption plays a significant role in weight management, it’s important to find a healthy balance between calories, physical activity and your body’s unique needs.

Here are a few things to consider when adjusting your calorie intake:

  • Proportions Your diet should be healthy and well-balanced. Assess your body’s needs for protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, etc. Then determine the proportions of each nutrient you need.
  • Physical Activity Are you very physically active? You may need to consume more calories to support your body’s energy levels. Are you more sedentary? To avoid weight gain, you will need to consume less.
  • Weight Goals If you want to lose weight, you need to burn more energy than you consume. If you want to maintain your weight, your energy consumption should be balanced with your energy exertion.
  • Food for Fuel – Some foods are higher in calories than others. But are they nutritious calories, or empty calories? For example, 100 calories from a bowl of fruit is more nutritious than 100 calories from a piece of candy.


Understanding calories and the role they play in your weight management journey can get confusing. If you have questions, it might be a good idea to seek the help of a registered dietitian nutritionist. These food “experts” can help you assess your body’s individual caloric needs and develop a personalized nutrition plan.

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