Tips for Silencing Your Inner Critic

Silencing Your Inner Critic

Sometimes, our inner critic can be our biggest enemy. The private conversations you have with yourself can either fuel and motivate you or cause you to stand in your own way.

On the weight management journey, facing your inner critic can be especially tough! Weight is often a taboo topic in our society, making the conversation about it difficult to have with other people – much less yourself. Do you often find your inner monologue repeating any of these self-sabotaging statements?

  • “I’ll never be able to reach my weight goals. It’s too hard.”
  • “I blame myself for my weight, and now I can’t do anything about it.”
  • “When people look at me, they think less of me because of my weight.”

The Problem with Letting Your Inner Critic Take Over

After reading these comments on a screen, don’t they sound a little harsh? Unfortunately, these are the kinds of thoughts running through the minds of millions of Americans just like you across the country.

Now, in some cases, your negative thoughts are just that — your thoughts. As long as you don’t speak them out loud, you won’t run into any trouble. But when it comes to defining your personal success, what you think and feel on the inside can impact your journey greatly. In fact, you might even try thinking of them as a self-fulfilling prophecy.

On your weight management journey, this can mean that you set yourself up for trouble before even taking one step further. Your inner critic may be keeping you from reaching your weight-loss and weight maintenance goals, which can have an effect on your overall health too!

Tips for Silencing Your Inner Critic

Don’t fall victim to your thoughts. Instead, try taking steps to proactively address your negative thoughts and lay the groundwork for future success. Here’s how you can get started:

  • Remind yourself of your progress
  • Imagine saying to other people what you say to yourself
  • Remember, repeat and write down positive, affirmative self-statements
  • Balance negative thoughts with productivity
  • Stay accountable by relaying your thoughts to someone you trust
  • Compliment and encourage others as a habit
  • Look at the bigger picture

Remember – your thoughts have powerful influence over your actions. When you think positively, you pave the way for success and cultivate a mindset of confidence. Confidence is the difference between moving backward and forward!

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