Tips for Managing Your Weight on a Budget

Wallet on a Budget

Sometimes, fad diets and gym memberships can seem like the fastest, most effective ways to lose weight. It’s easy to get swept away in today’s health and fitness culture. However, it might not be so easy on your wallet – which is why so many people struggle with weight management while trying to reduce costs.

Budget-saving Tips for Weight Management

You don’t have to rack up your wallet to reach your health goals. Just work with what you have! Consider these tips for saving money and managing your weight sensibly.

Be Creative with Exercise

Gyms aren’t the only place where you can get a fantastic workout. Think about the types of physical activity that make you happy. Do you enjoy the outdoors? Take your walk/run on a nature hike. What about dancing? Turn up the music to your favorite workout songs! Even strength training exercises can be done with household items such as water jugs and canned food.

For more on exercising with a budget, please CLICK HERE.

Cook at Home

Many people don’t realize that a packed shopping cart can be cheaper than just a few restaurant meals. Eating out can certainly add up, especially when you’re paying for others too. Buying your own ingredients and creating your own recipes is a reliable way to save on costs – and an even more reliable way to make healthy decisions. When you cook your own food, you know exactly what’s going on your plate.

Pack Your Own Snacks

Granola bars, trail mix, popcorn snacks… the costs add up! Snacking can be a great way to reduce hunger throughout the day, but options can get expensive. Rather than buying snack packs from the store, consider making your own in bulk. For example, make your own granola using oats, sugar substitutes, dried fruit and other key ingredients. The portions you end up with may be cheaper than the same amount purchased in individual store-bought packs.

Stay Hydrated

Rather than spend money on additional snacks or appetite suppressants, take a look at your fluid intake. You may just need more water! Water helps regulate all of your bodily functions, including metabolism. Staying hydrated throughout the day is key to losing and maintaining weight. Drink some when you wake up, throughout the day and before you go to bed. There are also free phone apps that can help you track your intake.

Shop Smart

You don’t have to go to organic grocery stores and spill your savings at the checkout line. Your normal, everyday grocery store is fine too, and don’t be afraid to hunt for deals. Many coupons are offered on a store’s phone app, in the mail or online! Just remember: a well-rounded nutrition plan consists of protein, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Wherever you shop, figure out the most cost-effective way to achieve these food groups. Maybe it’s frozen veggies and discounted poultry cuts. If that’s what you can afford, that’s okay!


Weight management is an important skill for anyone to have, no matter the budget you’re working with. Don’t let your goals weigh down your wallet! Even the smallest, simplest changes can reduce costs in a significant way, so let your creativity flow.

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