The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is officially in full effect, leaving many of us to sort through our own seasonal “to do lists.”
Maybe you’ve decided to brave the checkout lines in some of your favorite department stores for gifts to give to family and friends, or maybe you’ve chosen the convenience of online shopping. Perhaps your kitchen is brimming with fresh baked goods and dishes to share with neighbors and co-workers, or you’ve simply reminded yourself to fill out and distribute your traditional holiday greeting cards. However you’re spending this special season of giving, have you remembered to make room for the most important gift of all?
Making the time to care for your physical, mental and emotional well-being is essential all year long — especially during the busy holiday season! As you progress through your journey with weight and health, remember that YOU should always be a priority because YOU matter — and you always will!
This Holiday Season, Remember to Make Room for these Important Gifts:
Before depleting your stores of energy as you give to others this holiday season, be sure to make room for your own health and wellness with these simple yet overlooked gifts to yourself:
Time Set Aside for Relaxation – Too much stress and energy expenditure can have an adverse effect on your body. Try setting aside special time to do something that relaxes you and gives your body (and your brain!) time to recuperate.
- Forgiveness – There is no such thing as perfect. The journey with weight and health is filled with roadblocks, curve balls, uphill battles and even setbacks. Remember to be gracious and to forgive yourself for the moments when you’ve faltered or even given up.
Accountability – An accountability partner can help you access and reach your goals this holiday season. By having that special support and encouragement, you’re more likely to stay focused on your progress and determined to put your health first. For tips on choosing an accountability partner, please CLICK HERE.
- Health Checkups – If you haven’t done so in a while, it may be time to revisit your doctor or make that first appointment. Assessing and monitoring your health is key, and that may be more important than ever during the busy and stressful holiday season! Your doctor can also make suggestions for improvement or reinforce your progress that you’ve worked hard to maintain.
Healthy Holiday Nutrition – The holidays are infamous for its abundance of baked goods, seasonal foods, alcohol, etc. To help you manage and defeat temptation, be sure to stock your kitchen with nutritious and healthy foods that are conducive to your weight and health goals. If you’re going somewhere where holiday food might be enticing, try having a healthy snack beforehand to ward off cravings.
- Adequate Physical Activity – Getting enough exercise will not only help you stave off the extra calories that consume the holidays, but it will also help you to minimize stress and clear your head. Be it cardiovascular exercise, strength training, etc., adequate physical activity will only help you stay on track with your plans and protect you from holiday burnout.
Healthy Rewards for Your Hard Work – There’s merit to the phrase “treat yourself” – so long as its within reason and productive to your goals! Reward yourself for your successes, be it big or small. This may mean buying a new outfit, participating in a fun, new activity or getting yourself something from your own holiday wish list. You’ve worked hard, so you deserve it!
Although the holidays are a special time for giving and spending time in the accompany of others, don’t forget to make YOU a priority. Give yourself the gift of health this season and lay the foundation for success as the New Year approaches!