Asking for Help When You Experience Weight Regain

healthcare provider, Healthy Doctor Weight Relationship

If you are experiencing a frustrating period of weight regain, you are not alone. In fact, research shows that more than 90 percent of dieters regain most of their lost weight, if not all of it (and then some) in the following two years. What’s going on that makes weight regain so easy? Why does it feel like a never-ending cycle?

Common Factors Affecting Weight Regain:

  • Most “diets” are not intended to be lifestyle changes. When someone stops a behavior, any weight-loss it resulted in tends to come back.
  • Weight-loss can slow the metabolism and increase hunger levels.
  • Dieters may get bored or burned out with restrictive eating plans and over-exercising.
  • High stress, busy schedules and big life changes can cause someone to put their health on the back burner. Self-care is no longer a priority.

Asking for Help

It can be hard to reach out for help if you are dealing with weight regain. This is especially true if your previous weight-loss was significant and visible. Looking for help can also be confusing when there is so much “expert advice” out there about weight control and what works. The truth is that that there is no “one size fits all” approach.

There is no shame in asking for help if you are not sure about what comes next. Try these tips for finding support that will move you in the right direction.

  • Visit Your Healthcare Provider. Discuss any changes to your weight, behavior, health conditions and other key factors. Let your provider help you find a starting point.
  • Work with a Counselor. If your mood has changed or a big life event is affecting you, consider working through those changes with a mental health professional.
  • Lean on Your Loved Ones. Turn to your loved ones that you trust for support without blame or judgement. Lean on them to be a sounding board for your struggles and what you feel can use some improvement.
  • Team up with Someone Who Gets it. If you know someone who has similar experiences or is facing the same challenges, join ranks with them. Support each other in the ups and downs of your journeys to cross the biggest barriers together.

Join the OAC Community

The Obesity Action Coalition (OAC), Producer of the Your Weight Matters Campaign, is dedicated to supporting and advocating for people affected by obesity and those who struggle with their weight. They even have a Discussion Forum for members to talk openly about weight-related topics and issues that matter to them. Current trending topics include:

  • Facing weight regain
  • Relationships with food
  • Help with certain treatment paths
  • Weight-related health conditions

You can join the OAC Community at NO COST! Sign-up today, create a login and start accessing the OAC Community Discussion Forum by Clicking Here.

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