Are these Five Habits Holding You Back with Weight Management?

Climbing Mountain Making Progress Weight Management

Sometimes, the weight management journey can feel like an uphill battle. It takes a lot of planning, strategy, hard work and accountability to reach your goals, so it’s not uncommon to slip-up every now and then.

However, it may be time to reflect on your overall plan if you’ve found that you’ve hit a weight management rut. Maybe you’re not losing any weight at all, or you’ve gained weight somewhere down the line. If weight maintenance is your goal, perhaps you’ve hit a plateau or a sharp curve in the road. Whatever it is, the first step is to understand that everything will be okay. Your journey is just that – a journey. The next step is to take a few moments and ask yourself an important question.

What Might be Holding Me Back from Successful Weight Management?

Making Goals that Aren’t SMART Goals

SMART goals are those which are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. You may have all the best intentions, but it’s crucial to make goals which reflect both your past, present and future in a reasonable manner. Learn more about SMART goals by CLICKING HERE.

Avoiding a Visit with Your Healthcare Professional

Healthcare providers play a unique role in the weight management journey. Their knowledge and experience make them a valuable asset for providing useful education, resources and even support. Regular exams with a trusted health professional will help you track your progress and learn more about your body.

Failure to Plan

The old saying goes… failing to plan is planning to fail. Lots of planning can make your weight management journey easier by giving you a track to stick to. For example, meal calendars and meal prepping can help hold you accountable with food. Conversely, an exercise calendar/agenda can offer motivation and structure.

Internalizing Bias

Weight bias isn’t always external. When we internalize bias with ourselves, we may blame ourselves for our weight and lower our self-esteem. Although it’s important to strive toward better health, you should never do so at the expense of your happiness, confidence and physical/mental well-being.

Doing it All Alone

While your dedication may be impressive, it’s hard to find success with weight management if you’re going at it without support. Whether it’s a combination of friends, family members, support groups, healthcare professionals or whoever else, the support and accountability of others is key.

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