Always Tired While “Dieting?” Consider these Potential Causes

Bored or struggling with fatigue before you exercise? Need some motivation to push past the mental plateau?

Reaching a healthier weight is supposed to give you more energy, but what if you’re tired all the time? Fatigue can make weight management all the more difficult. It’s harder to get up and exercise, stay active, grocery shop for nutritious foods and prepare healthy dishes at home. In fact, the most attractive activity may be to take a nap or hang out on the couch for a quick rest.

Many people struggling to lose weight complain about fatigue and feeling tired all the time. These feelings can range from mild to severe, and in some cases, they can be debilitating enough to decrease your quality of life. If this sounds like you, what could be going on?

Reasons You May be Tired

There are many potential reasons for why you might be experiencing a lack of energy, even if you’re working hard to lose weight. Some of these factors might be biological or they may be behavior-related. Let’s take a deeper look at what your body might be going through:

Not Enough Exercise

Too MUCH exercise can leave you feeling exhausted, but so can too little. Having sedentary activity levels can leave you feeling physically and mentally drained, even if you haven’t been doing anything engaging. This is especially true for those who work long days at the office at a desk in front of the computer. To help with fatigue of this nature, always strive to incorporate at least 30-45 minutes of structured moderate-intensity activity each day.

Nutritional Deficiencies

It’s common while dieting to accidentally forego key nutrients. Maybe you’re not eating enough, or the foods you ARE eating don’t contain enough of the nutrients you need. Iron, vitamin B12 and vitamin D3 are common examples. Always strive for balance, variety and moderation with the foods you eat. If you’re still unsure about your nutrition during weight management, consider getting help from a registered dietitian or nutritionist.

Biological and Physical Conditions

If behavior modification isn’t a contributing factor, fatigue might be related to an internal cause. Some conditions related to weight management include thyroid disorders, metabolic syndrome, adrenal gland disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, anemia, sleep disorders, fibromyalgia and others. If you suspect something internal may be going on, schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider for a consultation.

Current Medications

Medications are supposed to make you feel better, but there’s also the accompanying potential side effects. Many side effects of medications include fatigue. Talk to your healthcare provider if fatigue is a persistent problem. He or she can discuss your available treatment options, including a potential change in medication.

Mental Health Conditions

Your brain and body are closely related. Mental health conditions like depression or anxiety can leave you feeling exhausted. Don’t forget that part of weight management is taking the whole picture of your health seriously, which means that your mental health is equally important. Consider seeking the help of a counselor, therapist or psychiatrist if you feel like you’re struggling on your own. You deserve to feel happy and healthy.

Want More Information?

For more information about weight management and fatigue, CLICK HERE to view the full article from Weight Matters Magazine. This Magazine is a popular educational resource offered by the Obesity Action Coalition (OAC), Producer of the Your Weight Matters Campaign.

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