Add these Health Professionals to Your Weight Management Support Team

Weight-loss and weight management don’t consist of a simple formula. They just don’t! There’s much more to the ongoing equation than simply eating less and moving more, which means a complex biological process warrants somewhat of a “complex” solution.

If you’re up against your weight, you’re probably trying to tackle multiple areas of your life like  your eating habits, exercise frequency and mindset. And you might be thinking that someone with expertise in these areas would be a big help to set you in the right direction.

Helpful Health Professionals

Health professionals are among the most supportive and equipped people out there to help you manage something as tough as weight. Beyond friends and family, they offer a unique skill set to empower you and help you make the most informed decisions for your health:

Dietitian or Nutritionist

If food is one of your biggest challenges, consult someone who knows the ins and outs of nutrition! A dietitian or nutritionist can help you customize a meal plan based on your personal needs and preferences. They can also teach you about portion control, calorie deficits and satiety to help you take the weight off without feeling miserable in the process.

Therapist or Life Coach

Your mindset, and the way you approach your goals, is a make or break factor in your success. A life coach can help you identify your goals for the future and help you build a structured plan to achieve them. A therapist can do this too, but they can also help you address events in your past or present that may be making it difficult for you to manage your weight.

Personal Trainer

If getting more active and strengthening your body are big priorities of yours, a personal trainer can feel like a godsend. They’re equipped to help you build an effective exercise routine, achieve proper form, hold you accountable and monitor your progress. Not sure how to do an exercise? How long to work out for? They’ve got you covered — no sweat!

Primary Care Provider (PCP)

Remember that weight and health are closely connected. Your PCP can keep tabs on your general health and refer you to trusted specialists if needed. They can also adjust your medications, take routine blood work, talk to you about your concerns and monitor your health over time to ensure you’re not only up-to-date on your health, but improving it.

Seek Help When You Need it

It’s normal to feel embarrassed or isolated when dealing with a topic as sensitive as weight. However, that doesn’t mean you should walk your journey alone. Learn to identify when something is beyond your ability and seek help if you think it will truly be beneficial. In the end, you’ll be proud of your successes and grateful for the team that helped you get there!

Learn. Connect. Engage.

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