There is No “One Size Fits All” When it Comes to Weight-loss

Though we want to believe it is, weight-loss isn’t always black and white. A number of different factors are part of the total equation, including your genetics, environment and socioeconomic status. That’s why the process of losing weight looks a bit different for all of us.

Weight-loss is Complicated.

First and foremost, be okay with the fact that weight-loss isn’t as simple as eating healthier and exercising more. Though changing your behaviors is a major component, so many other things affect the number on the scale. Here are just a few of them:

  • Your metabolic rate
  • Your personal schedule
  • Your mental health and levels of stress
  • Access to healthier food options (cost and location)
  • Your culture and family dynamics

Know Yourself and Your Body

It’s no wonder, then, that weight-loss should be an individualized approach. What may have worked for a friend or family member may not work for you. Those online articles bragging about the Keto Diet or latest fitness trend might have good intentions, but they’re not for everybody.

Before you dive into the next latest and greatest weight-loss idea, take a look at how it matches up with your personality and lifestyle. Does that way of eating meet your nutritional needs? Is that workout doable with any physical limitations you may have? Does it sound like something you can stick to? Get a feel for what you’re able to do and what you’re interested in.

You Have Options

Others will try to convince you to do things their way. A well meaning family member may suggest that working out six days a week is the key to success (his or her key, eat least). A co-worker might encourage you to meal prep salads for every afternoon lunch. A close friend may suggest a commercial weight-loss program. There may be nothing at all wrong with these options, but you have to find what works best for you, your body and your lifestyle.

Remember that you have options. If you’re unsure of what to do, seek help from a health professional such as a dietitian, primary care physician or behavioral specialist. Individualize your plan to fit your needs. The process may take a lot of self-discovery, but it’s worth it.

For more information about your weight-loss options, check-out this brochure offered at no cost by the Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) – Creator of the Your Weight Matters Campaign.

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