6 Tips for Bouncing Back After Falling off the Fitness Wagon

Getting back on the fitness wagon: Woman stretching outdoors

We’ve all fallen off the fitness wagon before.

Sticking to a fitness routine can be tough, especially when you’re juggling a million things at once. Sometimes we also lose some of our motivation or simply struggle with self-care. It’s not always easy to prioritize physical activity when other things in life are fighting for the front seat.

Regardless of why you fell off in the first place, here are some tips to help you bounce back and get back on the wagon, no matter how long it’s been.

Tips for Getting Back on the Fitness Wagon

Leave No Room for Negative Thoughts. 

People often feel they’ve lost all their hard work after time off, but that’s not always the case. The benefits of exercise last longer than most people think. Plus, we all go through dry spells because we’re human. So, don’t beat yourself up and let guilt stop you from taking action.

Look for Short, Effective Workouts. 

Start with something short and sweet, like HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workouts. These workouts get your heart rate up quickly and boost your metabolism with short bursts of high-intensity movements. You can do them free-form or use equipment like a treadmill, elliptical, or stationary bike. Short workouts can also boost your motivation to keep going.

Set New Goals. 

Goals change like we do, so make a new list of SMART goals that will inspire, motivate, and challenge you to get started again. Try not to make these weight-related goals, but health-oriented goals for your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Seek Out Support and Encouragement.

Whether it’s from family and friends, a significant other, a health professional, or a social media group you’re in, support and encouragement go a long way. They let you know you’re not alone, even in challenging times, and they keep you accountable.

Start with One Thing.

Don’t overcommit or else you’ll get overwhelmed and quit. Start with changing one thing, like going to the gym one or two days each week or taking a nightly after-dinner walk. Maybe it’s foregoing a nap you really don’t need so you can get energy through physical activity instead. After that thing becomes a habit, keep adding new goals to the mix.

Final Thoughts

Getting back on the fitness wagon can be tough, but just because you’re out of the game doesn’t mean you have to stop playing. Sometimes, all it takes is a new wave of energy to kick things back into gear. In addition to the above tips, try revamping your music playlist, investing in some new workout clothes, or switching up what you do for physical activity. You’ll be back on the wagon in no time, and exercise will once again become part of your routine.

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