Wise Words for Balance among Work, Life and Your Health

Success is made from balancing work, life and health

When life starts to shake things up, it can be hard to find balance and keep your rhythm. Sometimes it feels like you’re being pulled in every direction at once!

You’re worried about paying your bills and being good at your job. You’ve got a family to care for. You’re trying to keep-up with a social life (somewhat, at least). On top of that, you’re trying to be healthy and lower your weight. That’s a lot to think about!

Balance and Weight Management

Finding balance in the chaos of life isn’t just about yoga and essential oils. It requires slowing down to think through the stimuli and hit the Reset button.

When life feels unbalanced, stress can walk right in. Weight and health are both influenced by stress. Have you ever felt long-term stress that left you with headaches, cravings, poor sleep and high blood pressure? Too much will strain the body and affect your hormones, appetite, metabolism and mental health (like mood and focus).

If you’re struggling with your weight, check your work-life-health balance. Busy schedules, responsibilities and worries can unravel even our best intentions to “keep it together.”

Tips for Managing it All

Don’t think of your work life, home life and health as separate. Recognize that any effort you make in any area can impact another. Try these tips for finding balance:

  • Organize Your Commitments with a calendar or journal. Include work/school assignments, medical appointments, errands and obligations. Look at them often to get a sense of what’s really on your plate. Then make adjustments as needed.
  • Make Time for Self-Care. Visit your doctor, put oil in your car and take naps if you need them. Exercise often and take time off to avoid burnout. Do what makes you feel better.
  • Learn to Prioritize. What’s urgent and what can wait? What will make the most difference right now? Reduce stress by putting all your commitments on a priority scale.
  • Don’t Sacrifice Health. Even when you’re balancing a load, health is a priority. Good health will make your other commitments easier to manage.

Last But Not Least…

  • Sleep for 7-8 hours each night
  • Exercise regularly for clarity and stress relief
  • Eat balanced meals with healthy whole foods
  • Make time for loved ones and fun activities
  • Journal your thoughts and emotions
  • Find a hobby and make time for it weekly

Final Thoughts:

Finding balance can help you make adjustments in your life. Maybe you need to say “no” more often. Maybe you need to re-think your schedule and spread things out. Maybe you’re not doing enough for your peace of mind.

The hard part is letting go of what’s not necessary at a given time. But remember that good health is always important. Keep that in mind when you’re striving for balance and more productivity.

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