Managing Weight as an Older Adult: Tips and Factors to Consider

Factors to consider about weight management as an older adult

Overweight and obesity can affect anyone, young or old. Yet, as we grow older, there are different factors that determine how likely we are to struggle with weight and how we can go about getting healthier. If you are an older adult who is battling overweight or obesity, you may be wondering, “What’s causing me to struggle? How can I lose weight safely?”

Changes that Affect Weight as an Older Adult

An individual’s Body Mass Index (BMI) is commonly used to determine whether they are affected by excess weight or obesity. This number is calculated using their weight and height. As BMI increases, so does the likelihood of being affected by obesity.

When we get older, we tend to lose muscle mass. It then gets replaced by fat. It’s also not uncommon for older adults to get shorter if your bones are becoming weak or brittle or if you have spinal issues. Naturally, your BMI might increase as a result of these changes since BMI is affected by weight and height. However, BMI is not a perfect measure of health because many factors affect the number, including the type of excess weight (muscle vs fat).

In addition to lower muscle mass, other changes can affect weight in older adults:

  • Less physical activity
  • Joint pain
  • Illness or injury
  • Lower bone density
  • Limited mobility

Any of the above factors can affect weight by changing an individual’s lifestyle. For example, if you are less active because it hurts to move and you are unable to balance calorie intake and outtake, weight gain is more likely. As we get older, many other physiological and biological differences can affect our weight, some of them including metabolism.

Still, changes in weight can also affect health if your fat stores are increasing. Individuals with overweight and obesity are at higher risk for related conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, sleep apnea and others.

Losing Weight Safely as We Age

If you are an older adult and you feel like your weight may be impacting your health, it is important that you speak with a healthcare provider. If your provider suggests weight-loss, he or she should work with you to determine a treatment plan that is safe and tailored to your needs.

Here are some basic guidelines and suggestions:

Make Changes to Your Diet as Necessary

Take an assessment of how many calories you are eating per day and work at lowering that number if you believe it is too high. Likewise, make sure you are getting enough calories so your body has energy to maintain itself and doesn’t break down energy from lean muscle mass.

Also pay close attention to diet composition and make sure you are getting enough protein from your foods. You can work in partnership with both your physician as well as a registered dietitian if you have specific needs or nutrient deficiencies that you would like addressed.  Vitamin and mineral supplements may be a possibility.

Adjust Your Physical Activity

To counteract muscle loss due to aging, the American College of Sport Medicine guidelines recommend resistance training with muscle-strengthening exercise twice a week. Maintaining muscle mass may also help you regulate your metabolism. Additionally, flexibility and balance exercises may be helpful if you are at risk for falls. Keep in mind that any exercise plan must be prescribed by a physician to ensure your safety.

Considering Medications

Weight-loss medication options are limited in older adults due to side effects and possible interactions with other medical conditions and medications. If you are interested in or considering any medication or treatment plan beyond diet and exercise, make sure you speak with your healthcare provider first.

For more information about managing weight with age, CLICK HERE.

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