6 Bad (and Unconventional) Health Habits You Need to Break

Are any of these six bad habits preventing you from successful weight management?

We all know that addressing your weight can be tough. It takes a lot of planning, strategy, hard work, motivation and accountability. Even on your best days, this journey can be trying and challenging. But if you’re hitting a bigger-than-normal rut, what else has to give?

Dial in to Your Daily Habits

It’s important to reflect often on the lifestyle habits you’re cultivating. And in this case, no — we aren’t talking about eating more salads for lunch or squeezing in a half hour after work to exercise. We’re talking about those lesser-known habits that are a bit harder to reach.

Are you guilty of any of these bad habits? If so, it’s time to hit the “reset” button.

Thinking You Can Do it All on Your Own

Your dedication could be impressive, but it might not be enough to get you to the finish line. Are you failing to seek out accountability from others? Big mistake. A strong support system is crucial because it gets you through your bad days, keeps you motivated, empowers you to challenge yourself and guides you through the confusing parts of your journey.

Failing to Plan Ahead

There’s an old saying that goes, “failing to plan is planning to fail.” Do you keep a calendar of all your goals and commitments? If not, consider investing in one. It can help you plan your weekly workouts, doctor visits, meals and extra-curricular activities.

Setting the Wrong Goals

Not all goals are good goals. It’s much easier to achieve what you want if your goals are SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. Don’t just vow to get more exercise. Make it a goal to work out maybe four days a week in the morning, alternating between cardio exercise and resistance-based exercise. Then check your progress in a month’s time.

Avoiding Your Healthcare Providers

Your healthcare providers are key pieces to your weight management puzzle. They have skills, knowledge and resources to identify what’s going on in your body and where you can make changes to improve your health. Make sure you’re visiting your primary care provider at least annually to get your labs done and receive an overall assessment of your health status.

Internalizing Weight Bias

Are you continuously blaming yourself for your weight and letting it get you down? Is your self-esteem lowered because you’re struggling with your health? These may be signs of internalized weight bias, or thinking less of yourself because of your weight or size. Negative thought patterns only create road blocks and discourage you from reaching your ultimate goals.

All or Nothing Thinking

Do you panic after eating a candy bar or end up devouring a bag of chips when you only wanted a few? Your concept of “balance” might be a little off. Remember the golden rule that everything is okay in moderation. Apply that rule to the foods you eat and how you spend your time.

Weight Management is Complex

All of this goes to show that losing weight isn’t just about eating less and moving more. You can make all the changes to your diet and workout regimen that you want, but will those changes do the trick? Probably not. Consider the picture of your total health, both mental and physical. Make sure you’re making healthy and happy choices in all areas of your life, not just food and exercise.

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