Beat the Heat: Warm Weather Tips for Staying Active

Beat the Heat with Summer Safety Tips

It can be hard to beat the heat in the dead of summer. If you’re finding yourself less motivated to get outside and work out, it might be because of the hot and humid weather. However, summer is a great time to fight cabin fever and venture outdoors — so if you want to get some exercise, try these safety tips before braving the climbing temperatures.

5 Ways to Beat the Heat

Steer Clear of Peak Daylight Hours

The sun’s rays are strongest when it is highest in the sky, between 11 am and 4 pm. Try to avoid doing strenuous exercise outside during this time, and instead shoot for earlier in the morning or later in the evening. Fortunately, summer means longer days. You can even catch some remaining daylight around 7 or 8 pm without the sweltering heat.

Hydrate like You Mean it

During the summer heat, it’s more important than ever to stay hydrated. You should be drinking water all day, every day — even more so if you’re spending time outside. Make drinking water more fun by adding sliced fruit, cucumber or lemon. Don’t rely on sports drinks and juice to keep you cool, as these have added sugars, sodium and calories.

Shield Yourself from the Sun

The sun may be out, but it doesn’t have to overtake you. Protect yourself with SPF 15 sunscreen or higher and apply it often throughout the day if you plan on being outdoors for a long time. You can also protect yourself with sunglasses, a visor, or yard shade (such as a pergola or patio cover) if you want to take your workout into the backyard.

Wear the Right Clothing 

Avoid tight-fitting and thick clothing like jeans and sweatpants. Wear clothes that are lightweight and moisture-wicking. Invest in a few good pairs of workout shorts, tank tops/muscle shirts, short-sleeve tees and appropriate under-clothing.

Recognize Warning Signs

Getting sick from the heat is no joke. Warning signs include nausea, muscle cramps, dizziness, headaches and weakness. If you start to experience any of these, stop exercising right away, re-hydrate with plenty of water and return inside to cool down.

Final Thoughts

Practicing exercise safety is crucial to any workout, especially outdoors in the summer. If the heat is just too overbearing, take your workout inside where there is plenty of air conditioning. Hydrating snacks like watermelon, grapes and other fruits are also a great way to beat the heat and get good nutrition. There are plenty of ways to stay cool so you can enjoy exercise and the great outdoors at the same time!

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