Managing Your Weight through Behavior Modification

Behavior Modification and Yoga

Depending on your unique goals and challenges, there are many different components to weight management. Some people find help through routine healthcare and weight-loss medications, while some may opt for programs such as Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig. For others, unique treatment options recommended or performed by a doctor are extremely helpful for regaining control of their weight and health.

Behavior Modification: The Key to Building Long-term Success

Behavior modification is another way many people choose to manage their weight. It may help you to know that there are plenty of steps you can take on your own to build a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle!

Not sure where to start? Consider these options:

Create a Realistic Exercise Routine

Exercise is not only good for burning calories. It also helps you relieve stress, tone muscles and keep your body functioning at its best!

If improving your physical activity level is a goal of yours, consider developing a consistent and well-rounded exercise routine. This will help you work multiple areas of your body and keep you accountable with a daily or weekly goal. For more information about creating an exercise routine, please CLICK HERE.

Develop a Healthy Nutrition Plan

Healthy food is crucial to weight management because it nourishes your body. However, the types of foods you consume (as well as the amount) can have a significant impact.

Before grocery shopping or meal planning, create a list of healthy foods and ingredients you enjoy eating. Then, take those items and get creative with your menu! Remember these key tips:

1 – Making your own food in your own kitchen gives you greater control.
2 – Pay careful attention to portion sizes.
3 – Aim for food variety so you don’t get bored or miss out on key nutrients.

Record Your Habits and Activities

Staying mindful of your food habits and workouts will help you learn what areas need improvement. Invest in a sturdy journal that will allow you to record specific meals, workouts and calorie trackers. That way, you’ll have a better idea of how you’re performing on your weight management journey.

Control Your Home Environment

Your home can be a distracting place! The following ideas may help you manage your weight:

1 – Keep tempting foods out of the house.
2 – When dining, sit at your table and away from the television.
3 – Prepare your plate at the counter and use smaller dishes.
4 – Eliminate stress by cleaning, sleeping and making time for relaxation.

 Control Other Important Environments

You don’t spend every moment at home, so it’s important to modify your behavior when you’re out and about.

1 – Keep healthy snacks at your disposal for when you get hungry.
2 – Drink plenty of fluid throughout the day.
3 – Make time for movement if you’re sedentary for a long period of time.
4 – Eat small amounts of healthy food before social gatherings.
5 – Regulate stress.


All of these behavior modification tips may seem like common sense, but they certainly add up! Adjusting your own behaviors to reflect the lifestyle you want to live is a powerful way to improve your health.

There are certainly more tips, tricks and helpful information we can add to this list, because many different things work for different people. Want to share your own ideas? Email them to mstep@obesityaction.org or drop them in the comments below!

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